Altan Presbyterian Church

108 West Sandy Ridge Road

Monroe, NC  28112

P.O. Box 3157
Monroe, NC  28111

Welcome to Altan !

A young man once walked up to Jesus Christ with the question, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” I can think of no more important question that anyone has asked before or since that day. Do you ever think about your “life?” The quality of it? It’s meaning? What happens when we die? Whether we have a spirit, a consciousness, that lives on after we die? It seems to me that young man’s question touches on all these other questions, and more, that I have just listed.

 Altan Presbyterian Church is committed to helping you and encouraging you in your faith journey. Whatever questions you might have, whatever background you might have had, you are welcome to come and bring your search here. We are simply a group of men, women and children, of all ages, who have found in Jesus Christ the answers to our most basic and essential needs and desires. We still have just as many questions as you do, but we have found that as we study what the Bible says about Jesus, we are finding more and more answers about life in Him. Come and join us as we all together search for truth and answers to life’s most important questions!

I’m not going to tell you how Jesus answered that young man, except to say I think his answer sums up what makes life meaningful and brings real contentment and happiness. You can look it up yourself, in the Bible, Luke 18:18ff. Or, better yet, e-mail me at I will gladly write back his reply, or begin a dialogue of faith with you. Share with me your opinions, questions, doubts,…. whatever, about spiritual things, and your search for meaning and faith. I would love to help you in your faith journey, wherever you may be right now.

Again, thanks for checking us out. I hope to hear from you.